The Securities and Exchange Commission stepped in and put an end to Telegram’s TON crypto token. This week, Telegram settled with the SEC for $18.5 million and intends to return the remaining ICO funds to investors.
But after commissions paid to venture capitalists and retail investor premiums, the refund process is likely to be a big mess. With so many loopholes and money changing through greedy hands along the way, will retail investors ever see a full refund?Remembering the Historic ICO That Raised a TON of Money
is a private, “heavily encrypted” cloud-based instant messaging and voice over IP service. The messaging app is particularly popular with crypto users due to the privacy features offered. Accounts can even “self destruct” after a period of inactivity. Its popularity with crypto users prompted the company to attempt to monetize the platform through the debut of a crypto protocol and token: TON, or Telegram Open Network.Telegram raised over $1.7 billion from investors in the TON initial coin offering in 2018. Investors flocked to the TON token in droves.
Come October 2019, however, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission filed suit against the company for an unregistered securities offering. Telegram refused to admit any wrongdoing but this week settled with the SEC for $18.5 million in fines. Telegram also agreed to return $1.2 billion worth of the remaining $1.7 billion in funds raised during the ICO. But returning those funds, this far after the funds being raised and after changing through so many hands, will be messy. //